Quickly identify either the link is dofollow or nofollow

As we all know what hyperlink actually does. Hyperlink is a tag in HTML that combines/ attach pages to the website. The story of hyperlink is not end here, if you are a blogger and you want to see your site on top pages in Google. You must have to create the backlinks of your site on top Page Ranked website or the sites called Web 2.0.
If your website link is found on other top PA websites, Google will appreciate you and increase the ranking or your website.
There are 2 types of backlinks:

1. Dofollow
2. Nofollow

Lets see what is the difference between these two attributes first.

Dofollow vs Nofollow

 These are two different attributes for hyperlink tag. For the normal user it doesn’t matter. But for the blogger or those who are running websites, it’s necessary to know about these tag attributes.


It is an HTML attribute with tells search engine bots to follow the link and appreciate the link. It helps the targeted link to get good ranking in the search engines.
Dofollow backlinks are most powerful backlinks for any website which want to get good ranks in search engine.


Nofollow backlinks are those links that are not followed by search engine bots. It means that if you got a nofollow backlink, your site will not get any changes in ranking in search engine.

Q: How to know either the link is dofollow or nofollow?

If you want to see either the link is dofollow or nofollow, you can simply do inspect element and see the attributes.

But it takes too much time to see the link one by one either it is dofollow or nofollow. Also most of websites authors enables dofollow link in comments, so it is too difficult to see one by one site using inspect element.
Here is the quick way to see either backlink is dofollow or nofollow.

Things that you need:

1. Google Chrome / Firefox
2. Nofollow Extension – For Google Chrome or Nofollow Addon – Fore Firefox

After installing the extension, nofollow links will be highlighted as shown below.

Thanks for reading this article, if you have any question please mention in comments below.

Is SEO Worth The Effort?

SEO is dead. SEO is pointless. Quality content is all that matters. SEO is the most important thing a site owner can do? Which of these claims is true?

Is SEO Worth The Effort?

It’s often said that change is a type of death: that which once was is no more. SEO pundits take this quite literally; they pronounce every change to Google’s algorithms a harbinger of the death of SEO. Then there are the SEOs who refuse to acknowledge that anything has changed at all, asserting that Matt Cutts is a flimflam artist and that the same old tricks work just as well as ever—you’ll usually find them on black hat SEO forums peddling The Secret To Ranking, a secret they discovered and to which the extremely smart people at Google remain oblivious, a fascinating combination of the Dunning-Kruger effect and plain-old snake-oil salesmanship.

Amidst all this hue and cry sits the confused business site owner or blogger, who has to separate the truth from the lies to discover what exactly she needs to do if her site is to have a fighting chance in the SERPS. It’s no wonder a good number don’t bother at all and sad that a portion will be bamboozled into paying for the services of an SEO artiste who couldn’t rank his toy soldiers.
So, if we’re to dismiss the Cassandras and the Dolos’s, what are we left with?
SEO matters because Google is neither as smart as it wants to be or thinks it is. It needs help and good SEO is all about helping Google crawl, understand, and contextualize content.

Make sure your site is readable by Google’s crawlers. Crawlability is a hugely important part of on-site search engine optimization. Without it, your content will not rank or even appear in the index. Sitemaps can be extremely helpful. Google wants to find your site available and fast: ensuring that you have decent web hosting (i.e. not the cheapest shared hosting) can have a significant impact on indexing and ranking.

Start with quality. That’s about as vague as it’s possible to be, but it removes from consideration a swathe of content that no reasonable person would consider to be of high quality. You can build a house on sand, and there are “tricks” that will help trash rank, but the best investment is useful, educational, entertaining content that you yourself would want to consume. What counts as quality depends on your audience, so get to know them and write, record, and video the content that will appeal to them.

Keywords matter. Google has a range of pattern-matching semantic technology that enables it to categorize content, but matching search queries to content keywords will increase the chances of your content ending up in the right pigeonhole and finding its way to the right audience. Concentrate on keywords in headings, meta descriptions, title tags, and body text. However, keywords are secondary to great content—don’t let an obsession with keywords blind you to the readability and quality of your content, which should always have priority.

Without quality, no one will share your content and that’s a major source of ranking signals for Google. Whether or not they are used directly as a signal, social media shares help gain a larger audience and will generate more backlinks. Don’t skimp on outreach. Building relationships with influential sharers is crucial if your content is to break through to a wider audience.
There’s a lot more to search engine optimization than this, but once the fundamentals are in place, the rest will follow more easily. Concentrate on content quality, social media outreach and sharing, keyword optimization (with restraint), and crawlability.

About Graeme Caldwell — Graeme works as an inbound marketer for Nexcess, a leading provider of Magento and WordPress hosting. Follow Nexcess on Twitter at @nexcess, Like them on Facebook and check out their tech/hosting blog, Nexcess blog.

Get Better SEO By Making Comment Links "Nofollow".

Nofollow Comments

This is a bad habit which some of our best bloggers have. This not only ruins the blog they are commenting on and that blog will also lose its reputation because Google sees this as SPAM. Here, like Envy Blogging, the links in the comments section are nofollow, so the search engines will not look into the comments section. This increases our SEO. Nowadays, Most blogger websites do not use moderation on their comments section to get more comments, so for these bloggers, Sorry, I think link builders is the better name for them. They think that they comment any think and include a link at the bottom as a link to their blog . They do not want to know what will happen to the blog which they are commenting on. Many have been structured off by the Blogger Automatic Classification System . As this system is automated, they will not look to your content or the reputation of your blog, if they find SPAMMING in your blog,  they will delete your blog within seconds. As an experienced person of this attack, I recommend you to make your comments section “nofollow” as the search engines will not check this place, thus the links will not be indexed and this increases your SEO. If you have this habit of making links on other websites to build up your backlinks, then its better to stop this moment to make sure that you are not destroying other persons hard work. People work so hard on their blog day and night and one day someone spams your blog by commenting with links in your blog and the Blogger Automated Spam Classification System deletes your blog. Won’t it be a terrible thing for you if you were one such blogger. So Never give a chance to any spammer to make comments on you blog. So make it nofollow by following steps.

Steps to make Comment Links “Nofollow”:

Step 1: Go to Blogger > Template > Edit HTML.
Step 2: Find the below code by pressing Ctrl+F in template editor box.


 Step 3: Now just after this code add following code.


Step 4: Save your template and you are done.

It will look like the following code if you entered correctly. If you didn’t get the code as below, tell me your problem through the comments.

data:post.createlinkurl’ rel=’nofollow’

Now, You have successfully changed the comments ‘hyperlinks’ to nofollow by adding this simple nofollow tag in your blogger template. You have again contributed to your blog by trying to increase it SEO. So, if you liked this article and if this article proved helpful to you, then should surely share this if you can.

Tips to increase the chances to get an approved Adsense account

Adsense Approved
Adsense is the affiliate program for Google. People put their adverts into the AdWords system and the people who are members of Adsense run the adverts on their websites. However, even though Google Adsense is one of the easiest affiliate programs to join, you can still make things better for yourself. If you follow the tips listed below then you will find that your acceptance to Google Adsense is all but assured.

Improve your traffic numbers:

This is a good way of getting any affiliate program to want you to join them. Obviously, it does not really matter to them if your website only has five people visit per year, because hosting adverts on your site is costing them nothing. But, as part of a good business model they are going to want as many people as possible to visit your site so that there is a higher chance of your adverts getting clicks and making them and you some money.

Recommended: How to optimize images for SEO?

Remove adverts from other accounts:

This is just plain common sense. There is nothing stopping you adding other adverts once your Adsense adverts are in place, but Google are not likely to praise you for it. However, if you want to help your chances of getting accepted by Adsense, then remove any affiliate adverts from other websites.

If anything this would be common sense, as you would not try to rent out an apartment when it is already being taken up by a family of Iranian knife swallowers. So clear the way for the Adsense ads before you apply.

Do not conduct any black hat SEO:

This sort of thing is going to be an immediate rejection factor. Things such as duplicate content are going to really aggravate the Adsense team. They are also not fans of keyword stuffing, as it manipulates the search engine and their affiliate program. If you have lots of spammed links then it is time to get rid of them and start improving your PageRank.

Do not encourage people to link to you:

On your pages you cannot show any sign that you are encouraging people to link to you. You can offer no incentive and should not even mention linking. Any form of encouragement you give to people in order to make them link to you is going to cause your Adsense application to be rejected.

Do not sell gray-area services:

These are things such as school essay writing or penis extending services. If you are selling gray area services or things of an adult nature, then there are lots of other affiliate programs that will serve you a lot better than Adsense. By all means you should try to get accepted into the program, but you may find it more difficult.

Make it clear that you have a target audience:

This is not burningly essential, but it will help your case if your site is on the borderline. Having a target audience and/or a less generalized theme will help them to place adverts on your site a little better and will help them evaluate the results a little better.

You do not have to state it on your website, but for example, a website called “the knitting world” obviously has a target audience (people who like knitting). Whereas a website called “my opinion on stuff” is only going to interest the casual reader (the online version of a passer-by). Therefore it would be difficult to guess what sort of adverts would work well on your site.

Make sure you routinely update your content:

Your site needs to be maintained in order to be accepted for Adsense. This is a must, and one way you can show that your site is maintained is to update it routinely. Try to update a few pages every week in order to show that your site is maintained.

Makes sure you have sent an up to date XML sitemap:

This is mainly so that the Adsense program can see how many pages you have and what potential amount of adverts your website may be able to hold. It is one of those things that you should do as good practice about a week or two before you apply for an Adsense account.

How to Optimize your Blogger Images for Better SEO Rank?

When we talk about SEO (Search Engine Optimization), most of person assume that its a tool, widget or any script that provides a high rank to any website/ blog. But however truly its not. SEO is a technique, we will talk about SEO later. Comes to the topic, here we are talking about the images that are shown in image search engines. Billion of peoples on the internet are searching the images daily and almost every professional blogger/ web developer got a huge traffic from image search engines like Google Images and so on. Image optimization is also a trick and its like a coding base but Google (Blogger) make it easy to optimize your posts images for search engine. 

Steps to Optimize Images for SEO:

Step 1: Open Blogger.com and go to your blogger dashboard.
Step 2: Click on “Create New Post” or open existing posts.
Step 3: When you entered “Compose” box, click on any image and go the properties of the image.

Step 4: In the image properties, write title of your image and alt text.
For example: My post is “Optimize Blogger Images for SEO” so i wrote same in Title and in “Alt Text” i wrote “Optimize Images for SEO”. Now if anyone will search with “Optimize Images for SEO” or “Optimize Images” caption, Google will show my post image also in the results.

This small tip will help you to increase your blog traffic from image search engines. Optimize your post images and get huge traffic from image search engines.

Thank you!