How to signup with Facebook Messenger without Email / Facebook Account?

Starting nowadays, you’ll be able to sign on for Facebook messenger even though you do not have an account with the social network. you do not even want an email address, in fact. Facebook solely needs your 1st and family name, phone number, and a photograph to urge started. “With this update, a lot of individuals will enjoy all the options that are obtainable on messenger — together with photos, videos, group chats, voice and video calling, stickers and a lot of,” the company wrote the company blog post.
Facebook also encourages signing up with Facebook thus users “take advantage of multi-device electronic messaging across mobile devices, the web and tablets.” that means signing in with a name and phone number won’t set your chats across devices.
Facebook says the aim is to succeed in a lot of folks. It’s price noting that whereas making a messenger log-in won’t import contacts, the rest of Messengers services like video chat and stickers remain on the market.

Using messenger while not a connected Facebook account might build it a lot of attractive for businesses likewise. At its F8 conference earlier this year, Facebook debuted messenger Business as a way to induce shoppers and brands or stores chatting. Not let go a Facebook profile might build it a lot of attractive to users, and a business might link any phone number to messenger.

Signup for Facebook Messenger

Signup for Facebook Messenger is just like simple as signup with WhatsApp and other apps. You just simply put your mobile number and verify it with code sent in SMS and get start with Facebook Messenger 😉 .

Source: The Next Web
Source: The Verge

What is Sandbox and How to use it?

A software sandbox is no different that a sandbox built for a child to play. By providing a sandbox to a child we simulate the environment of real play ground (in other words an isolated environment) but with restrictions on what a child can do. Because we don’t want child to get infected or we don’t want him to cause trouble to others. 🙂 What so ever the reason is, we just want to put restrictions on what child can do for Security Reasons.

Now coming to our software sandbox, we let any software(child) to play (execute) but with some restrictions over what it (he) can do. We can feel safe & secure about what the executing software can do.

You’ve seen & used Antivirus software. Right? It is also a kind of sandbox. It puts restrictions on what any program can do. When a malicious activity is detected, it stops and informs user that “this application is trying to access so & so resources. Do want to allow?”.

Download a program named sandboxie and you can get an hands on experience of a sandbox. Using this program you can run any program in controlled environment.

The red arrows indicate changes flowing from a running program into your computer. The box labeled Hard disk (no sandbox) shows changes by a program running normally. The box labeled Hard disk (with sandbox) shows changes by a program running under Sandboxie. The animation illustrates that Sandboxie is able to intercept the changes and isolate them within a sandbox, depicted as a yellow rectangle. It also illustrates that grouping the changes together makes it easy to delete all of them at once.

Now from programmer’s point of view, sandbox is restricting the API that is allowed to the application. In the antivirus example, we are limiting the system call (operating system API).

Another example would be online coding arenas like topcoder. You submit a code (program) but it runs on the server. For the safety of the server, They should limit the level of access of API of the program. In other words, they need to create a sandbox and run your program inside it.

If you have a proper sandox you can even run a virus infected file and stop all the malicious activity of the virus and see for yourself what it is trying to do. In fact, this will be first step of Antivirus researcher.

Download Sandboxie and Run any software Safer.

Source: StakOverFlow

Use 4 Different WhatsApp Accounts in 1 Android Phone or iPhone

WhatsApp Icon

WhatsApp is a mobile app use to communicate with friends and family. It is a most popular app and using almost 200 million users now a days.
WhatsApp account is based on your SIM card number (Mobile Number). So users can use 1 WhatsApp account per mobile. But what if you want to use more than 1 account? Here is the solution, Follow up this post and you can use up to 4 accounts at a time in a single phone.


WhatsFapp is an application developed by “Osmdroid” to use more than 1 WhatsApp in a single phone.
WhatsFapp have following features.


 -AntiBan & Ban Proof
-Full Customization
-Osm Privacy Features . Hide Last Seen, Double Ticks, Blue Ticks, Typing for contacts/groups
-All WhatsApp+ Features (few exceptions)
-Toast when someone goes Online
-New Material Design Base
-Select between Old UI & Calls UI
-Dual WhatsApp+ Reborn in One Android Device
-No need to uninstall original WhatsApp.
-Works on Note 4 , S6 in which WhatsApp is pre installed
-Preview Images & Videos without downloading just like iOS
-Group Stats

Steps to Install WhatsFapp

Step 1: Download the WhatsFapp from the link given below.
Step 2: Install the (.apk) file on your mobile.
Note: For using 4 WhatsApps, you need to install all .apk files along with default WhatsApp.
Enjoy the WhatsApp.



Zippyshare Link for Android:

WhatsFapp with iOS Emojis:
WhatsFapp with Twitter Emojis:
WhatsFapp with Google Emojis:

Zippyshare Link for iPhone (iOS)

WhatsFapp with iOS Emojis:
WhatsFapp with Twitter Emojis:
WhatsFapp with Google Emojis:

Mediafire Link for Android

WhatsFapp with iOS Emojis:
WhatsFapp with Twitter Emojis:
WhatsFapp with Google Emojis:

Mediafire Link for iPhone (iOS) 

WhatsFapp with iOS Emojis:
WhatsFapp with Twitter Emojis:
WhatsFapp with Google Emojis:

How to Disable AddThis Tracking Code from URL?

AddThis is a popular widget for almost all platforms to share the content on multiple social networks easily. Many people are using this widget to their website so people can share their posts / contents to their social network profiles like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc. Not only can this but you can also track your posts that how many posts are being shared by users and how many posts are shared on which platform.
They are tracking URL’s so they are adding tracking code to each URL. The tracking code is just 11 letters code placed at the end of the URL. Just like an example given below

Many users just don’t want this extra tracking code in URL and many bloggers think that this code is raised from a template error but actually it isn’t. Here is how you can remove this tracking code from all of your URL’s. Follow these instructions.

Steps to Remove Tracking Code:

Step 1: Login to your Blogger account and go to Dashboard.
Step 2: Go to Template > Edit HTML.
Step 3: Find the code smilier to code given below.

You all have done! No tracking code will be added to your website’s URL from now.
Enjoy the blogging 🙂

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